Undercar Services: Maintenance & Repair

Undercar Repairs in North Hollywood
At Superior Auto Clinic, we take a holistic approach to vehicle care, beginning with a thorough evaluation of your car or truck's foundation. Prior to inspecting the internal components of your vehicle, we prioritize ensuring that you have a strong undercarriage.
Our comprehensive undercarriage inspections and services address this vital but often overlooked area of your vehicle, affording it the care and attention it deserves.
Wheel alignment consists of essential car maintenance that involves adjusting the wheel angles to follow the manufacturer's specifications. This process ensures that the suspension and steering systems operate at their intended angles, thereby reducing tire wear.
Brake System Flush
Brake fluid is hygroscopic, meaning it absorbs moisture. This moisture absorption lowers the fluid's boiling point and can lead to corrosion of the lines and cylinders. In extreme cases, the brake fluid could boil during heavy braking, resulting in a loss of braking capability. To counteract the effects of moisture absorption, auto manufacturers recommend periodic brake system flushes.
The chassis serves as the internal framework of your vehicle, providing support for various components such as the wheels, engine, transmission, driveshaft, differential, and suspension. A weakened or damaged chassis can lead to a weaker vehicle overall.
Custom Exhaust
A motor vehicle's exhaust system consists of piping that guides exhaust gasses from the engine to the outdoors. While its primary purpose is the removal of exhaust gasses, it can be modified to enhance engine power, reduce pollution, and minimize noise. Achieving these goals necessitates undercar service installation of a custom-made exhaust system.
Differential Flush
The differential is a critical vehicle component that compensates for variations in travel distance between the inner and outer wheels during turns. Typically located at the rear and under non-four-wheel-drive (FWD) vehicles, differentials often do not receive the same level of attention as engines. However, it is essential to understand that differential failure equates to vehicle failure.
Differentials serve as the components responsible for transmitting engine power to the wheels. A key function of the differential is to distribute power to the wheels while permitting them to rotate at varying speeds, thus earning its name.
The driveline represents a vehicle section that connects the engine and transmission to the wheel axles. This component consists of powertrain parts excluding the engine and transmission. A driveline failure translates to an immobilized vehicle, as energy cannot be transmitted from the engine to the wheel axles.
In motor vehicles, an exhaust system consists of piping designed to guide exhaust fumes from the engine to the vehicle's rear. A well-functioning exhaust system not only sounds better but also benefits you, your vehicle, and the environment. Superior Auto Clinic in North Hollywood has expert technicians ready to service your car's exhaust system.
Shock Absorbers
Shocks, or shock absorbers, are mechanical devices engineered to smooth out rough road surfaces. They achieve this by converting kinetic energy into another form of energy. Properly functioning shocks minimize the impact of traveling over uneven terrain, leading to an improved ride quality and enhanced vehicle handling.
Much like shock absorbers (shocks), struts serve to dampen the effects of road surfaces as you drive. By absorbing road shocks, struts enable passengers to experience a smoother ride. Struts differ from shocks in that they provide structural support for your vehicle's suspension.
Suspension FAQs
How often should shocks be replaced?
Experts recommend that shocks be replaced at 50,000-100,000 miles. If you are a more aggressive driver or frequently drive on rough roads, they will wear out faster. Shocks don't go out all at once, they deteriorate slowly over time. If you are noticing problems with handling, making smooth turns or ride smoothness have one of the professionals at Superior Auto Clinic inspect your shocks.
Are struts difficult to replace?
Replacing struts is simple and fast for a professional. Replacing your front struts yourself is not recommended, especially if you need a new complete strut assembly kit. When you get your truck's struts replaced you also need to have the front-end alignment checked. Ask the professionals at Superior Auto Clinic to replace your struts and we will complete the work quickly and easily.
What is the difference between shocks and struts?
Shocks and struts are both parts of a vehicle's suspension system. However, each has a very specific job. Your vehicle has either shocks or struts. You cannot replace your shocks with struts and vice versa. Shock absorbers are hydraulic components that help minimize movement generated by the vehicle's springs. These springs absorb some of the jolts you might feel from uneven or damaged roads. Struts are structural components of certain vehicles' steering and suspension systems. They usually consist of a spring and a shock absorber. Struts are designed to be much stronger than shocks since they are designed for vehicles that carry heavy loads.
Is it necessary to get an alignment after strut replacement?
Superior Auto Clinic recommends performing an alignment anytime shocks, struts or other steering and suspension components are replaced. Getting your vehicle's alignment within factory specifications ensures optimal tire wear and helps prolong the life of your tires.
What happens if I only replace one strut or shock?
If you replace only one shock or strut, it will create poor handling when changing lanes or driving over bumps. If your car is new, replacing only one strut or shock absorber may be ok since the opposite side shock is not worn out yet. Generally, Superior Auto Clinic recommends replacing both shocks or struts.
To learn more about our Undercar services, call us at 818-755-1026 or request a quote by clicking below:
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I've been coming to Superior since 2010. Paul and his sons and staff are the best example of a great family business that does great work, cares about their customers and gets you the best possible price every time. I used to live in North Hollywood, but now I moved to West Hills, and I still drive 45 minutes to take my cars to Superior. I recently had my catalytic convertor stolen, and they replaced it on the same day, while every other shop was quoting me weeks! Can't recommend this business enough.
Leonardo Canneto
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Tim Hoberock, 03/23/2025My wife's Mercedes ML250 overheated, and some of the plastic coolant lines failed. Quotes from other shops were +$4k to repair the vehicle. Superior quoted $800, assuming no other issues were found. After repairing the main issue, they also found that the thermostat housing also had a leak (another plastic part). Their shop rate is very reasonable and the work is high quality. They repaired the vehicle quickly and professionally.